Tuesday, July 15, 2008

CONNECTIONS – chapter 1-5

The first five chapters of “The War of the Worlds” describe the hypothetical situation, when aliens, an intelligent form of live started invasion of our planet. To find if that could be possible I started to seek for some evidence…….
In the previous century, at least two meteorites have been found that could possibly contain some foreign life traces. In one of them, in a meteorite (named ALH84001) found in Allan Hills, Antarctica in December 1984, scientist discovered amino acids and some other organic compounds that could only be produced by living organisms. What more, in 1996 using scanning microscope, they found structures that may be the remains—in the form of fossils—of bacteria-like life form. The structures found on ALH 84001 are 20-100 nanometers in diameter, similar in size to the nanobacteria. It could be the first solid evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life. Of course there is possibility that it could be a contamination of earth compounds and bacteria.
In the second meteorite, found on 28 September 1969, near the village of Murchison, Victoria in Australia, they discovered some common amino acids such as glycine, alanine and glutamic acid as well as unusual ones. What more, in July 15, 2008, It has been reported that that meteorite also contains molecules (known as nucleobases) that are precursors to the DNA and RNA. They tested the meteorite material to determine whether the molecules came from the solar system or were a result of contamination when the meteorite landed on Earth. The analysis showed that the nucleobases contain a heavy form of carbon which could only been formed in space. Materials formed on Earth consist of a lighter variety of carbon.

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