Thursday, July 17, 2008

Chapter 11-16

Trying to avoid Martians and the black smoke, the Narrator and curate found a place to take a rest. The house, they decided to stay in was not very fortunate choice. After a while, the fifth cylinder has fallen very close to them, almost killing them. The next following days, they were hiding in the house but curate got crazy about whole situation. He started to behave very loudly and the narrator had to hit him. Unfortunately, the Martians have noticed his presence and took him. The Narrator managed to hide but it was too late for curate. After a few days, The Martians have left that place and he could to leave.
He started to walk around, not knowing really what to do. He met a lot of dead people, seeing abandoned houses and a lot of ruins. He met also the soldier, with whom he escaped from Martians at the beginning of the whole story. The soldier managed to survive and he developed his own understanding of the invasion and his vision of the human future. He almost convinced the Narrator to stay with him but after a day he left him and started his wander.
In the next evening, he noticed that Martians’ machines had stopped. He has come closer to one of them and saw that Martian was dead. It turn out that earth germs, so common and not dangerous for human being, have killed all Martians. The life of England started to revive, people came back to London, and other countries were sending help. He came back to his home and met with his wife and cousin. It was happy ending. The Martians’ episode has left deep traces in his and other people souls. It was warning for all humans to keep their guard all the time in the future.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Critical thinker; chapter 6-10

Did Martian visit the Earth before?
They seemed to be prepared very well for invasion. Information they had could not be got only by observation from Mars.
On the other hand it looks like they built their ships that they could fly only one way, like a bullet. So if they had come in the past people would have noticed their presence.

Why do people always blame government, even it is not their fault?
It is always the way people act. It is easier to accuse someone else than himself.

Why the invasions come so fast? It took only two days to make people to leave London.
I know that there was an element of surprise and people were not prepared for that. But it is still strange for me. A few decades in the future, a first world war started and people had weapon, a lot of weapon to fight Martians.

If you were him (his brother) would you help those two women?
That kind of situation is always difficult and can distinguish among people. Only a person with good character would choose to save defenseless women instead of hiding somewhere or running away.


CONNECTIONS – chapter 1-5

The first five chapters of “The War of the Worlds” describe the hypothetical situation, when aliens, an intelligent form of live started invasion of our planet. To find if that could be possible I started to seek for some evidence…….
In the previous century, at least two meteorites have been found that could possibly contain some foreign life traces. In one of them, in a meteorite (named ALH84001) found in Allan Hills, Antarctica in December 1984, scientist discovered amino acids and some other organic compounds that could only be produced by living organisms. What more, in 1996 using scanning microscope, they found structures that may be the remains—in the form of fossils—of bacteria-like life form. The structures found on ALH 84001 are 20-100 nanometers in diameter, similar in size to the nanobacteria. It could be the first solid evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life. Of course there is possibility that it could be a contamination of earth compounds and bacteria.
In the second meteorite, found on 28 September 1969, near the village of Murchison, Victoria in Australia, they discovered some common amino acids such as glycine, alanine and glutamic acid as well as unusual ones. What more, in July 15, 2008, It has been reported that that meteorite also contains molecules (known as nucleobases) that are precursors to the DNA and RNA. They tested the meteorite material to determine whether the molecules came from the solar system or were a result of contamination when the meteorite landed on Earth. The analysis showed that the nucleobases contain a heavy form of carbon which could only been formed in space. Materials formed on Earth consist of a lighter variety of carbon.

Final Thoughts

ANSWER EACH QUESTION WITH FULL SENTENCES.1. Who are the characters in the novel? If you could be any of one characters in the novel, which would you be and why? Explain your answer.2. What do you think was Saul's reaction when Mrs. Ruth explained to him about the dolphins? How did you feel?3. SettingDescribe the setting of the story. How is the year 2051 like? What role do computers play in 2051? Make a list of ways in which the world in the story is different from the world today.4. How did reading this novel affect you? For example: as you were reading the chapters, did you feel pity, anger, horror, admiration, pride, or a combination of the above? Explain.5. Compare and ContrastWho is the main character of the novel?Describe how you are like the main character of this novel.Describe how you are different than the main character of this novel6. AdviceIf you could give the main character a piece of advice, what would you suggest? Write a letter to the character.

Chapter 20

Complete the gaps in this summaryThe next day, during a _______ concert on the Web, ________started talking about Saul. She repeated everything he had told her about the ______ and the Music Rooms, and how they were ______ in order to make ______. As she was speaking Dick Lane came into the recording ______ and _____ her dead.

Chapter 17

Look at the words in Italic. Who said what?
I want him found
They hated screen watching
I'll check in the laptop
They lay without moving
We're too late
Good morning, What can I do for you?

Chapter 11-16

Monday, July 7, 2008

Chapter 10

a. Wanted to watch everything that happened on the web?
Control wanted everything on the Web where it could be observed.
b. Did all the real work?
The tunnel people did the all real work.
c. Started a fire to burn the forests down?
Captain Marrs tried to burn down the forest near london.
d. Made the fire even bigger to get Mars into trouble?

Pace discovered Marrs's plan and made it bigger.
e. Was going to stay behind the caves?

Saul thought that they were going to stay there for a while.

Chapter 8, 9 and 10

These questions were created by the ESL students of Spring 2008. Answer two questions only.
1. Why did Saul say, “I don’t want to become a terrorist”? What did Saul really want to do? Do you believe that Saul and Sue will arrive to Neumatt alive? Explain in details.
2. What do you think the wolves represent in the story?
I think that wolves could represent BEATCOM soldiers.
3. Explain the reasons Captain Marrs hated the forest.
He hated the forest because people could hide between trees and satelites was not able to track them. That are was out of control.
4. What were Saul’s thoughts when he was traveling through the tunnel with Ruth and Sue?
5. Why did Sue think Saul was useless? Give details.