Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Types of authority – summary.

According to Weber we can distinguish three different sources of the right to command. In the first category we can include people who basing on the traditions, on long-standing customs are able to maintain traditional authority from one generation to the next. Examples: kings, queens, feudal lords.

Extraordinary attraction of charismatic individual can also give to someone rights to command. This type of authority is always connected with one person, with charismatic leader; usually is unstable and cannot be transferred to another person.
Examples: Napoleon, Gandhi, Mao Tse-tung.

The third category is legal authority (also called by Weber: rational authority). A set of rules and procedures (spelling out the ruler's rights and dutes), usually put in writing, create "the law". It specifies procedures by which certain persons can hold offices of power (e.g. governor, president). That type of authority is not connected with one person. Individuals , usually chosen by other people, can hold an office for some time and then demit but "the office" remains.

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