Monday, June 30, 2008

Chapter 16 summary

Chapter 16
Questions for Caroline

It was 2 a.m. when someone banged at Caroline’s door. It was late in the night. Caroline couldn’t sleep. She kept thinking about everything what Saul had said. She was full of doubts. Everything what he said seemed to be crazy but she loved him and regretted sending him away and not letting him to talk.

She got out of bed and opened the door; at the beginning she thought that it could be Saul. But she saw the man from BEATCOM. He told her that captain Marrs wants to see her. At that moment Caroline got scared, Saul told her about captain Marss, what he did and how evil he was. She did not believe him then but now it all started to be true. She started act as she had nothing to hide, she was very cold and angry. She said that she was very famous musician and she had a concert tomorrow and how dared he come at the night and disturb her. The BEATCOM guy remained adamant, he insisted on visiting captain Marrs. He said that better not to make him angry.

So they went to the police station where she met captain Marrs. Her first impression was that he was very dangerous man and that Saul was right about him that he was the most evil man in the world. He started questions about Saul, what he had told her and what she know about the music room. Caroline decided to play as she was stupid and music was only thing she cared about. She answered that she saw Saul but she did not let him talk. That she was very angry with him, because he did not come to her last concert, he brought a strange women while she was getting ready for tomorrow. She simply threw him out.

Captain Marrs believed her, she seemed to be focused only on her music and she was very convincing. He let her go but first he told her that they tried to arrest him but he stared to run so they had to shoot him. It was last attempt to catch her. She remained still and reacted as she did not care about Saul. When she came back home she started cry and she reminded everything what Saul had told her and she made a promise that no one will forget him after her concert.

my idioms

Water Under The Bridge
We say "water under the bridge" when talk about situation in the past we have decided to forget.

"Aren't you still angry about what he said?"
"No, that was a long time ago. It's all water under the bridge."

All greek
Something is all Greek to you when it is so hard to understand that it is like reading a foreign (Greek) language.

"Can you read these instructions?"
"No. It's all Greek to me."

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Chapter 4 - 6

Chapter 4
1. Describe the following character's personalities:
Saul. Sensitive, likes liestening to the dolphins music and writnig about it.
Caroline. Also sensitive, musician, artistic type.

Dick Lane. Ambitious, not very clever.
The Controller.
Smart, unscrupulous,
Captain Marrs. Cruel, psychopath type,
Ruth. Good person, very compassionate, clever. Be able to see a big picture.
2. Why does the Controller say about Saul "I don't think he'll be alive for very much longer"?What is going to happen?
That was because he knew Captain Marrs, he knew that he hated "terrorist" and he was cruel, crazy, ruthless murderer.

Chapter 5
1. Answer with specific details:
Who wants to save the dolphins? Why?
Practically everyone wanted to save the dolphins (maybe except CONTROL). Why? Because it was dolphins were used in the horrible, unbelievable way to make people happy.
Who thinks that Ruth's crazy and why?
Saul thought so because Ruth wanted him to do something impossible - to go to Neumatt mountains and rescue eight dolphins.
Who is rude and why?
Sue, Ruth's granddouhter, seemed to be rude for Saul. She ignored him, did not respond for his greetings.
Who want's to scan Saul's eyes. Why?
It was Sue, she wanted to scan Saul's eyes in order to put the into Music Rooms' memory bank. It was supposed to help with opening room's door.
2. What do you think Saul is going to do?
Considering the fact he came back to Ruth (after the first conversation with her), he started to believe her I think he is willing to help.
Chapter 6
Who said what? Be specific on the details.

1. He's going to be useless in the journey.
Sue told that when they were escaping from Ruth's home. He was traumatised and did not move fast enough.
2. Where are we going?
Saul. They were in the kitchen and he could not see any exit.
3. I think I was right to choose him.
Ruth. She said that he was not stupid and he knew people in Neumatt.
4. Marrs won't bother me.
Peter. He said that helping them to get down to the bottom tunnel.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Types of authority – summary.

According to Weber we can distinguish three different sources of the right to command. In the first category we can include people who basing on the traditions, on long-standing customs are able to maintain traditional authority from one generation to the next. Examples: kings, queens, feudal lords.

Extraordinary attraction of charismatic individual can also give to someone rights to command. This type of authority is always connected with one person, with charismatic leader; usually is unstable and cannot be transferred to another person.
Examples: Napoleon, Gandhi, Mao Tse-tung.

The third category is legal authority (also called by Weber: rational authority). A set of rules and procedures (spelling out the ruler's rights and dutes), usually put in writing, create "the law". It specifies procedures by which certain persons can hold offices of power (e.g. governor, president). That type of authority is not connected with one person. Individuals , usually chosen by other people, can hold an office for some time and then demit but "the office" remains.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Chapter 2 - answers

Who said what? Be specific on the details.Look at the italic wording.
1. I'm old enough to say what I like.

Ruth. It was just after she told Saul that he was chosen by them.
2. We know how to avoid the police.
Ruth. She was explaining that they would not be going to the tunnels and that they knew how to avoid the police.
3. They've shot many of my friends already.
Ruth. She said so he could take her seriously.
4. He wanted to be back in his room listening to music.
Saul. He was in shock finding the true about dolphin music.
5. When they are in terrible pain and dying. They sing.
Dolphins. When they are happy they can not sing, only dying in pain could make them to create the music.

Chapter 1 - answers

What do you think? True or false.Pick one question and state if is true or not. Support your answer.
1. Saul's computer could understand what he said to it.

True. Saul could communicate with his computer by talking to it.
2. There weren't enough jobs for everyone to work all the time.
True. There were too many people and too few jobs.
3. Most people had to do community work for six months.
True. Over three-quarters of the population of Europe was old, over seventy years old and needed to be taken care of them.
4. Saul thought that life was better in the past.
False. He was quite happy right then and he did not want nothing to be changed.
5. Saul and Caroline had never been in the same place together.
True. That is true but they have known each other for long time. They spent free time together but it was in the virtuall reality.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

my most embarassing language moment

I think the most embarassing moment in learning foreign language was when I was a learning a russian. I was a litlle boy, in the primary school and I did not see a differences in accenting words. So I was forced to repeat the same word (I do not really remember what word exactly) for almost whole class - and all time I was doing that wrong. The teacher corrected me but I could not see the differrence. It was terrifying and from this time I do not like that language.